All the news about Dadaux
New catalogue, new machine, trade fairs, videos and more… Follow our news and stay informed!
2018 : Expansion of the site in Bersaillin +1500m².
2018 : Expansion of the site in Poligny +750m².
Fairs 2021
Dadaux Company will be present from 22 to 26 October 2021 at the HOST fair in Milan. For more information please do not hesitate to check the HOSTMilano fair website :
Dadaux Company will be present on many fairs in 2021. Do not hesitate to come to meet us!
Our sales representatives will be at your disposal to present you our company as well as our products. We will attend:
Fairs SIRHA in LYON (France) from May 29 to June 2, 2021
Fairs CFIA in Rennes (France) from 08 to 10 June, 2021

Catalogue Dadaux
> Cliquez ici pour télécharger notre catalogue

SAV et pièces détachées
> Cliquez ici